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Battling For Market

Writer's picture: Support Air InternationalSupport Air International

The efforts being made by some of the leading brands to promote their facilities in the clutter of the international marketplace are a good indication that operating a wind tunnel is hardly the self-running enterprise that some might consider it to be. Find a suitable location, come up with the financing ... and rest takes care of itself. Probably not!

The normal consumer associates something very different with the term "all-inclusive holiday" ... Something along the lines of spending time in exotic locations, under blue skies and plenty of sun rays, and with full-board accommodation, including the wristband giving access to free drinks at the bar ...

Polish tunnel operator Flyspot redefines the term: at its Warsaw, Katowice and Wroclaw locations it offers stays from five to ten days – "All Inclusive Holidays 2020" –with everything included, and with tunnel time from five to ten hours at the core of the offer. Check it out!

Just don't count on coming back with a sun tan after this type of a vacation!

Finnish filmmaker and storyteller Lauri Aapro pitches a shorter stay at one of the Flyspot locations too: "Pitstop at Wroclaw!"

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